Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 12- TGIF

Song of the day:  Antoine Dodson - Bed Intruder

Yesterday totally sucked.  Elliot still wasn't feeling good, I started feeling worse, and I drank half a diet coke.  I have a really hard time saying no to myself when I don't feel good.  Originally I didn't want to drink soda until I was 180lbs, but I just really really wanted one.  The plus side is that it's diet so there's no calories (or really anything else) but I just wanted to give up soda because it's not that great for you.  I didn't get in my workout.  I was totally planning on going and doing a really light cardio workout, then Elliot threw up on me.  For the second time.  Right as I was putting him to bed.  At that point I just wanted to get in the shower and go to bed.  I'm just hoping today goes better!

We are heading back home today, so I'm not completely sure what we're going to have for dinner.  I do know that we need to do some major grocery shopping because there's just about nothing in our fridge.  Kyle won't be home until late so I'm on my own for dinner.  Normally that would mean that I would order pizza or grab mcdonald's, but not anymore!  I'm thinking that a chicken breast, baked potato, and broccoli sounds good!  - and then I don't have to go to the grocery store, so even better!  I'm going to get my cardio in before we leave so I don't have to worry about trying to get it in after Kyle gets home.  I'm so ready for Kyle to get home, for the weekend to be here!  Hopefully I get rid of this cold and then I can get back to being excited about losing weight (or doing anything, lol).

PS: Did anyone else read about the changing of zodiac signs??  I don't really read my horoscope, but still!  First Pluto, now horoscopes.  What's the world coming to?

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