Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The time will pass anyway

Song of the Day: Neon Trees - Sins of My Youth

Apparently it's been a while since I last wrote!  School has pretty much taken over my life, as it should, so I haven't had much to write about.

On weight loss: Thankfully I haven't gained any weight in the last month, but I also haven't really lost any either.  I haven't been eating the greatest, and the only work out I get is Ballet twice a week for 75 minutes.  I can tell my core and body in general have gotten stronger, but not really lost weight.  I am fitting back into a pair of jeans that were tight before I got pregnant, so that's exciting!  I still have 12 lbs of pregnancy weight left though, so that doesn't really make sense, but I'll take it!

This week I've really been trying to get back into eating healthy, and it's only day 2, but I'm doing well so far.  What kills me is when I get home and I have guacamole and chips for dinner.  Not the worst thing I could eat, but not the best either.  The thing is, I even have all of these pre-packaged, single serving, good for you foods, but I keep forgetting about them.  I started leaving them out on the counter (the non-frozen ones) so I actually remember to eat!

I also tend to eat worse when Kyle is home.  We tend to order out a lot more, and we both acknowledge that this is a problem.  So, that's the first step right??

On school:  School's going really well!  I'm really liking all of my classes, and my field training sight is awesome!  There's been some tough stuff to deal with emotionally, but I feel like I've handled it really well, and I couldn't be more sure that this is what I want to do.

It's hard to believe that I only have a month left of classes!  I have so many research papers left to write!  I'm pretty much in a research hole until mid-December.  I'm registering for my classes at 6:00 today and I'm pretty freaked out.  Two of my classes are closed, but one professor said that he opens up more spots as registration continues, so just check back.  Another professor said she'd add me if it came down to the semester starting and there still wasn't a spot open, but to keep checking for someone to drop it before then.  Whew. 

I had a meeting about grad school last Friday and found out that it's three years instead of the two that I was anticipating.  Also, I graduate in Dec '13, but the program only has summer or fall starts.  And there's two classes I need to take in undergrad that I wasn't aware of.  Bummer.  I was super upset about it for a while.  Realizing that Elliot will be going into 2nd grade and Caroline will be starting Kindergarten when I'm finally done with school really puts everything into a time perspective.  I've been starting to feel better about the time, then this morning I read a friend's facebook status that said,

            "Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. 
                                                          The time will pass anyway."

Beautiful, and so so true.

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