Song of the Day: VeggieTales: High Silk Hat - In honor of Elliot, since he's been singing this song non-stop for the past week.
Our little man is 3 years old today!! I can't believe it! I didn't lose anything this past week, which means I've lost 67.2 lbs in the past three years! Granted I was 9+ months pregnant at the time, but it doesn't just come off when the baby is born (unfortunately!). We started the morning with blueberry pancakes (Elliot requested strawberry, but they at ALL the strawberries yesterday), and now they're dressed and ready to go! Of course the zoo doesn't open for another 1.5 hours... so I'm trying to stall, and it's not working so well. They both have their shoes on and know something is going to happen! I set up the tent/tunnel thing, so hopefully that keeps them distracted for a while! Elliot also requested we go to the library today, and I think we'll do that this afternoon since it's supposed to rain.
Yesterday I had one of those stars aline perfectly, once in a lifetime kind of days. I got to sleep until 7 (Caroline slept until 7, Elliot got up about 5:30, but will lay and snuggle, then at 6 request to watch PBS kids on my phone) and since I used to have to get up at 5:00, that's awesome, so I had a perfect amount of energy. The kids were also content with playing with each other, and racing their cars through the living room. I started picking up the toys since the weather many has been promising rain all week (it has yet to happen) and I hadn't cleaned for about 2-4 weeks depending on what part of the house we're talking about. Like seriously, it was a disaster. I picked up all of the toys, cleaned the toy room, vacuumed the entire downstairs, and spot cleaned any marks (we have wood floors so I just spot clean spills). About 80% of our laundry was clean and in baskets, the other 18% needed to be cleaned, and about 2% was actually cleaned and put away. I also got ALL OF THE LAUNDRY DONE!!! Done as in washed, folded/hung, and put away!!! It's amazing how much clothing you have when it's all put away - and on a related note, I need more hangers for the kids! I also ran the dishwasher, scrubbed the kitchen floor, and dusted. I didn't get the floors upstairs done, but I can't believe all I got done yesterday - with the kids awake! It will probably never happen again! Hahaha :)
Today marks 6 weeks until our vacation! We decided we're going to try to not eat out until then, which will not only save us calories, but money for the trip! And hopefully that helps keep me in line! :) In sad news, our Keurig is acting weird, and I still haven't had any coffee this morning....
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