Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Finding patterns.

I'm just now realizing that our scale only measures to even tenths of a pound.  Not once have I weighed xxx.7 lbs, it's always 0, 2, 4, 6, 8.... it's only taken me, what, 3 years to see that pattern?  Lol.

And another trend is I'm down 1.4 lbs this week!  If I keep this going I'll be rid of the baby weight on my next weigh-in, which happens to be Caroline's birthday! 

I found out that my field site supervisor isn't going to be in the building on Friday, and that added with the potential nasty weather, she said I should just skip this week.  I'm not upset about this, and that makes me upset.  I mean the school seems awesome, but I just don't know what I'm going to really do there.  So far I've sat in on a few things, but it's just such a slower paced building than the school I was at last semester.  I don't know, if nothing else it's good experience to at least be in the school for my grad school applications.

On the plus side, this means (weather permitting) I can go shopping for Caroline's birthday!  I am planning on making her cake, and I really want some new ideas!  Of course I've been scoping out Pinterest :)

I think I may also do some shopping for myself.  My pants don't really fit well anymore.  Part of that is weight loss, part of that may be how long I've had the pants for.  Either way, it's time for some new clothing, but not too much because I'm hoping it won't fit for that long!

We got our duct's cleaned today, and the guy said that we have a really good heating system, and that he got a ton of stuff out.  Not the worst he's ever seen, but it definitely needed it!  He said he found some green army men - which are presents left probably from the grandchildren of the lady who owned the house before us, haha.  I now have the urge to clean everything else since the inner workings of our home are now clean!  Maybe Friday.... maybe...

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