After yesterdays fiasco I didn't work out. Really, it had nothing to do with being locked in the basement, but I'm going to use it as an excuse anyway. Honestly, I'm just exhausted. By the time Elliot goes down for a nap I have an hour or so to eat lunch, work out, and shower before Caroline is up. I didn't feel like doing any of those things... except eat lunch. That means I haven't worked out since last Thursday... yikes. So yeah, I worked out today. I did a cardio dance 35 minute DVD. I then attempted a pilates DVD. Turns out I have zero ab muscles and the instructor was terrible, and calling her an instructor is a term used loosely. So after about 12 minutes I just turned it off. I'm hoping to go for a run tonight when Kyle gets home, but that will depend on the weather and how I'm feeling.
Lately I've been exhausted and the lack of sleep has been catching up with me. Last night I fell asleep on the couch around 8ish. I was trying to motivate myself to work out before Kyle got home, and fell asleep in the process. I woke up at 8:30 because Kyle was calling to say he was on his way home. After we hung up, I fell back to sleep and may have woken up a little when Kyle came in, but the next thing I remember is it's 11:30 and he's telling me to come up to bed. Then out of nowhere it's 6:00am and Elliot is jumping on me and hitting my head. Awesome. I think I really need to get more sleep, but I don't want to go to bed earlier, especially if Kyle is home. We only have so much time together so going to bed early just seems lame. Even if he's not home, after the kids go to bed is my only time that I get to myself, and I rather spend it watching reruns of The Big Bang Theory or The Office while surfing Facebook and Twitter instead of sleeping. Yes, my priorities are probably a little off...
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