Thursday, July 21, 2011

Day 200 - it's been awhile!

Song of the day:  Jack's Mannequin - The Mixed Tape ...forgot how much I love this song!

Wow!  It's been over two weeks since I last wrote!  Last week we went up to YMCA Camp du Nord (which was featured on the Today Show this morning!) with my family and I was without a computer for a week!  It was amazing!  Everyday we walked 2-6 miles, hiked, canoed, swam in the lake, and just had a great time!  Elliot had so much fun being able to be constantly outside!  It was so nice to get away on vacation and to just lose ourselves in the week.

Elliot broke my phone right before we left, so I've also gone without a phone for the last 2 weeks!  There's so many options on what we should do since we're in the middle of our contract, so I just decided to wait until Kyle got home to take care of it.  Hopefully either tonight or tomorrow night I'll have a phone again!  It was actually really nice not to have a phone, at first.  Now, it's just annoying.  Facebook chat sucks and trying to have a real conversation on there is harder than you would think.

I actually did weigh myself on Tuesday morning, but I never got around to writing a blog until today.

1/3/11 - 232.6 lbs
1/31/11 - 217.4 lbs
2/28/11 - 206.0 lbs
3/26/11 - 208.8 lbs
4/25/11 - 206.0 lbs
5/31/11 - 203.2 lbs

6/28/11 - 206.2 lbs
7/5/11 - 207.4 lbs
7/12/11 - on vacation7/19/11 - 208.2 lbs

Weight loss for Week Twenty-Eight:  +0.8 lbs
Weight loss Total: 24.4 lbs

Weight loss since my heaviest (5/22/10 - 264 lbs): 55.8 lbs

I did a lot of exercising at camp, but we also had a ton of really good food, and dessert every night!  It was so good!  

That being said, I was planning on getting out this week and continuing walking a few miles a day, but we've been under a heat wave advisory so Elliot and I have been inside all week.  It's supposed to be over now, but it's still 92 degrees outside right now.  And muggy.  I don't like sweating while working out, I really hate sweating when I'm not even moving.  Yuck.

This morning I took a shower, shaved my legs, and blow-dried my hair when I was done.  I feel like a new person.  I don't know the last time I actually "did" my hair.  I feel like Kyle and I should find a babysitter and go on a date!  Lol.  I'm really excited to do nothing this weekend!  Hopefully the pool won't be too packed and we can go swimming - or maybe we'll try out one of the local aquatic centers.  I also want to check out the library near us.  I need a new library card, and I think I want to read the Hunger Games books.  I know they're for teens, but whatever, they look good.  Although, I don't know how much extra time I'll have for leisure reading because I have another class starting Monday.  But the professor is still listed as TBA and the class isn't open on D2L yet, so who knows if the class will happen or not.  I go back and forth with how I feel about that.  I really want to take this class now so I have it done, but I wouldn't mind having another three weeks of no commitment, but I'll probably be bored without it.  

My goal for today is to get the house picked up, possibly cleaned before Kyle gets home.  Every time I pick something up, Elliot puts it back on the floor.  I think he likes the dvd's on the floor better than on the shelf.  He also really likes taking plastic bottles out of the recycling and carrying them around the house.  Thankfully their clean, but they're everywhere now!  I just need to take them out because I'm getting sick of picking them up, lol.  

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