Well! Last night I decided to map out a 5k in West Salem to see what I was really getting myself into. I ran it in 36:45 and felt pretty good about running a 5k in the morning. My goals were to 1. run it in under 40 minutes, 2. run it in around 36 minutes, and 3. don't walk. I figured those were pretty good goals.
This morning I woke up, and it's raining. Goal change: run in under 40 and don't walk, lol. I woke up a little before 8 and I was nervous right away. I got dressed and headed down to Riverside park while drinking water and eating some Honey Nut Cheerios. I parked and headed down to pick up my runner's packet. Then I wasn't really sure what to do. The race wasn't for another hour and it was raining, so I headed back to my car. I sat there for about 30 minutes then headed back to the park. There I ran into my cousin Melissa (who is actually a runner) and that was really nice because then I had someone to spend the wait time with. My Aunt Patti and Melissa's daughter Genevieve also came so it was nice to see them too! I didn't get to see Kyle, Elliot, my parents, or Ethan before I had to "take my mark" but I knew they would be there when I finished. :)
We ran through the La Crosse neighborhoods and it really wasn't bad. The rain was actually really refreshing and kept you cool. I was actually annoyed when it stopped raining, lol. They had time markers at mile 1 and mile 2, and water at 1.5 miles. There were times when I definitely wanted to walk, but I wanted to at least keep that goal in tacked! At the turn right before we headed back into the park for the final loop was my family :) It was awesome to have them all there cheering me on! I really pushed myself for the last stretch and picked up my pace (passing a few people on my way!) and I finished with an official time of 34:08, with a pace of 10:59 min/mile!! That felt awesome!!! I accomplished all of my goals, and then some! I wasn't even close to the fastest, but I wasn't last either! I came in 414 out of 581 overall, 38th in my division (not sure what that division is) and 240th female (not sure out of how many)!! I'm really glad that I did this and I feel like I have really accomplished something! I have showed myself that I can do this! --And I did it after running 3.1 miles the night before! BOOMFACE! I think I'm experiencing a "runner's high" because I feel like I could do anything right now, lol.
Ah, feeling great today. Even though it's raining, today couldn't be better!
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