Song of the day: Corey Hart - I Wear My Sunglasses At Night - I like listening to this song when I work out because the background music plays in stereo so it goes back and forth in each ear. It's pretty awesome, lol.
Yesterday I didn't get around to writing a blog. We all slept in (awesome!) then had breakfast, and I was going to write then, but instead Kyle and I played with Elliot. I was going to write when he went down for a nap, but instead Kyle and I worked on finishing season 5 of Criminal Minds. We are moving in a couple months so I decided to start going through some of the things in our closets that we didn't go through the last time we moved. What did I learn? Thank God for digital cameras! I threw away about 300-500 pictures. Nobody is in these pictures. Most of them are "scenic shots" from various school trips - primarily Washington D.C. Every kid likes to think they're a photographer on those trips, but really you can only get a "so-so" picture of the Washington Monument from various places in the city while on a bus. Sadly, I know there's another set of those pictures in an album in one of the 15 boxes of my stuff still at my parents house. Also - what's the deal with getting doubles?! I not only had a ton of pictures I didn't want, I had doubles of them! At this point, I couldn't tell you the last time I developed a picture. That's probably why I have blank picture frames hanging on my walls and on our mantle. Seriously, I do. Some of them still have the pictures of the happy couples that came with the frame. Today we are headed to Super Target for some grocery shopping, so I'm going to develop pictures of Elliot for the frames, lol.
Honestly, we've eaten like crap this weekend. Neither of us have felt like cooking, and we don't really have anything here to cook. We've just had a lazy weekend where we've had a chance to recoup as a couple and as a family. We haven't had a weekend at home in ages, and even though we ate horribly, it felt amazing just to be lazy together. But we are going to plan out our meals and get a grocery list for this week and get back into eating better!
The Grammy's are on tonight! Like I've said before, I love all things award shows, so of course I'm excited. I would like to get some cardio in before they start, so I better get going because I have a lot to do today! And it's supposed to be 40 degrees this afternoon!! Heat wave!
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