Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day 23/24 - oops!

Song of the day:  Ciara - 1, 2 Step

So I missed writing yesterday.  I just got too busy.  We had to take Kyle to work (since we had picked him up from work Friday and his car was still there) then pack for the week, then go get Kyle (why he didn't meet up at the leasing office we still don't know), signed our lease, took Kyle back to work, then headed to my parents.  Once we got there I loaded all the stuff into the house, fed Elliot, ate lunch, and my mom and I talked.  At 4:45 I left to go get fitted for Miranda's wedding (and I actually am less inches than I thought I was!) then we went for dinner.  After dinner Maria and I went on a 4 hour walk, then her, Fran, and I stood in their kitchen talking for quite a while.  By the time I got back to my parents it was 11:30pm and I had no drive to write anything! 

I'm pretty proud of myself because I took my measurements when I started all this (the only reason I haven't shared them is because it's a lot to type, lol) and I am going to take them once a month.  They are actually about 7 inches total smaller than they were 3 weeks ago!  I also have another month before I have to order my dress since I am really unsure of what size to order since the wedding is 6 1/2 months away.  We also went to Applebee's for dinner and I stuck with water and got the dijon chicken meal off of their under 550 calories part of the menu!  It was really good and I didn't feel like I was deprived.  Maria and I had planned on going for a 2 mile walk, but once it was time to head back to her house we were still in deep conversation and decided to keep walking.  We were freezing by the time we were done, but it was so nice to talk to someone else who is going through the same mom stuff I am! 

Today my mom and I are just hanging out since it's her last week before going back to work (she had both knees replaced 7 weeks ago).  Miranda and I are going to work out at Snap tonight.  They have group classes at this one, so I'm excited for a new workout!  I'm not sure what we're going to eat today, but I feel like I've been doing a good job in portion control so far this week, even though I haven't been super rigid with planning.  I think that shows that it's easier to integrate what I'm doing into a lifestyle change instead of the diet mentality.  I do feel like this has gotten harder as the weeks go on, because I'm making food instead of putting in a pizza.  So if I don't feel like cooking it really limits what's available to eat.  I'm hoping though that this week is going to help me recommit to this whole lifestyle.  -and I only have a month until I have to order a dress so I have to keep going strong!

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