Thursday, October 24, 2013

DietBet is done!

Song of the Day: Avicii - Wake Me Up

I sent in my final weigh-in for the DietBet on Tuesday!  I'm happy to report that I lost 8.8lbs in 4 weeks!  My weigh in day is different on DietBet than it is for this blog, so from my weigh-in last Thursday to today, I lost 2.2lbs!  I'm feeling great right now!  In the past four weeks, I've gone down a notch on my belt, and all of my pants are too big!  I'm getting that waffle top when I tighten my belt.  It's actually kind of annoying, but I'm holding off until I'm at 180ish to buy new pants. 

I decided that I am going to do another DietBet.  It's really good motivation and it keeps me on track - especially during the weekends!  I'm still waiting to find out how much I won during this one, but the next one I'm doing is a $20 buy in with $10,500 in the pot so far.  And thankfully I could just use my verified weigh-in from the end of the last DietBet as my initial weigh-in for this one!  So I'm already down 2 lbs!  It ends on November 22 - right before Thanksgiving and seeing everyone!  My goal weight is 187, but I'm hoping to beat it again!

I took the GRE this past weekend and I did a lot better on my verbal score than I thought I would, and did about 1-2 points less on the math than I thought I would.  But I'm still happy with my scores because they're both above the average for the program I want to get in to!  I'm still waiting on my writing score, but that can take 10-15 days, so I have at least another week until I find out how I did there.  So now I just need to work on my application materials and finishing the semester strong - especially with my capstone!  

I'm feeling pretty awesome in all aspects of my life right now, which is pretty great :)  And we're going trick-or-treating this weekend, and I'm really excited to dress up with the kids!! 

Thursday, October 17, 2013

TMI on the BMI

Song of the Day: The Carlton Dance

This week I'm looking at .4 lbs lost, and continuing in the right direction to win the dietbet when I weigh in on Monday!  

I wanted to wait a week just to make sure that I wasn't going to gain, but I have exciting news!  My BMI is now 29.6, which puts me out of the obese category and into overweight!  Hahahaha, it's obviously all relative, but I never thought I would be excited about being classified as overweight, but I hadn't really come to terms that I was technically obese either.  I guess it's easier to admit now that I haven't been there for two straight weeks.  And here's to never going back!  At this point I'm 31 lbs away from a healthy BMI and 43-50 lbs away from my goal weight of 145-152, which would give me a BMI of 22-23 - smack dab in the middle of healthy.  

I've been trying to decide if I want to do another dietbet after this one is over.  I think I do because it has definitely helped me stay on track, and works at as a great motivator, but on the other hand, I kind of want to take off some of the pressure to lose weight.  Really 4% of your body weight isn't asking a lot.  For me that was 8.2 lbs and so far I've lost 8.8 with half a week left.  It's obviously doable, but I don't want the pressure of having to maintain a 2lb per week loss for another 4 weeks, along with everything else I have going on with school right now.  But at the same time, I shouldn't use school as an excuse and having that pressure on me to lose has really helped me stay focused... I'll probably do another lol.

To help keep track of my calories I've been using the Lose It app.  It's free which is awesome, and it also lets you scan bar codes to track calories!  Apparently this isn't anything new, and other apps also let you scan bar codes, but I just think that's amazing.  It also sets your calorie limit based on your weight loss goals and takes into account the calories you burn on workouts that you log.  It has a huge food database, and so far has really helped me keep track of everything!

I'm taking the GRE on Saturday and I'm not as prepared for it as I wanted to be, but at this point, I don't think that I'll study more if I delay taking it.  So I mine as well get it over with :/  I wanted to take another practice test right now, but the computer I'm on isn't loading the Kaplan page correctly, so that's super annoying :/  Ugh, it's going to feel good when this test is over! 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

nice end to a long week

Song of the Day: Lorde - Royals

I don't know why, but for some reason I can't update my weight loss progress tracker on the right side of the screen... so here's the updates from the past week:

10.3.13 - 198.6
10.10.13 - 195.4

Boom!  3.2 lbs down from last week!!  I'm pretty sure part of that was staying on track over the weekend!  It's a lot easier to just continue losing than to have to first lose the 5lbs of water weight I gained over the weekend.  All in all, I'm pretty excited :)  Also exciting is that I've lost all I need to for the DietBet goal, and .2 lbs more!  As long as I maintain this weight (even though my plan is to continue losing, obviously) I win part of the pot!  Not a bad way to end off a long week!

I'm pretty overwhelmed with school right now, and totally behind on my Capstone project.  So just a quick update today so I can get back to work!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

I'm Back!

Song of the Day: Kiss - New York Groove

Another week with 1.6 lbs lost, and I'm back under 200 again!  It's been almost 4 months since I was last here (and 5 months since I first was).  This time, I'm not going on a "I'm comfortable with the amount I've lost so far" detour, and instead I'm going to keep going down!  Thankfully being in school offers a nice routine and it's easier to keep myself on track.  Also helpful, was on Tuesday a friend texted me saying that she didn't want to work out when she was done with work.  Similarly, I didn't want to work out after I put the kids to bed.  We made a pact that we would both do 30 minutes and share with each other when we were done.  It totally motivated me to actually do the work out (and she did it as well)!  Double win!  With that work out, I also realized that I really need to start doing level 2 of Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred, but I just really like how comfortable I've become with level 1... hence why I need to bump up the intensity.  

This weekend I'm getting my hair done, and I'm getting a massage, on the same day - how perfect?!  I'm still trying to figure out what to do with my hair.  I know I want to go darker again because as much as I'm loving my hair color right now (seriously, the best blonde it's been in a long time), it's fall, and I'm ready to go dark again.  I'm thinking the color of Giuliana Rancic's hair at the Emmy's.  Ryan Seacrest described it as nutella colored and ever since then, I've wanted that color, and to eat nutella.  Dang it Ryan, don't you know I'm trying to lose weight?!  I'm still unsure what I want to do with the cut.  I've been trying to grow it out for so long, but I feel like it's damaged and that I should take a few inches off.  Hmmmm... maybe Deidre (my hair stylist) will have some ideas :)

School is going amazing and I got an amazing comment on my exam from my health communications professor!  It totally made my week!!  Even will all the goodness, I really need to do more work on my Capstone project.  It just seems so overwhelming sometimes, but I really just need to start reading, and reading, and reading... then take a break and read some more.  

Which is what I should go do now... :)