Thursday, March 28, 2013

Spring Break!

Song of the Day:  The Annual Easter Backyard Explosion Fest  ....Because this is how my family celebrates Easter :)

So, I didn't weigh-in yesterday.  I just kind of forgot it was Wednesday!  I guess spring break will do that to you :)  We've been letting the kids sleep in all week, so we haven't been getting out of bed until 6:30/7:00 and it's been awesome!  

Well, I had plans to work out a ton this week, and get a ton of cleaning done - so guess what hasn't happened?  On Monday the kiddos were home because Elliot had pink eye, Tuesday I went shopping, Wednesday Kyle and I had a date day (which included getting passports!), and then today I slept for six hours.  Yes a six hour nap!  When I got back home from dropping the kids off I could feel a migraine starting, so I took a couple tylenol and laid down.  Well, at 1:40, I woke up totally groggy, went to the bathroom, got a drink, and fell back asleep while I was texting a friend.  Then I slept until 3:05.  Yikes!  I guess I needed it!

After dinner the kids and I went for a walk, then doubled back towards the house to pick up Kyle when he got home.  It's so nice out!  I even opened the windows before I left to pick them up from daycare!  It feels so nice to get some fresh air in the house!  

I'm excited for this weekend!  On Saturday, we color eggs with my mom's side of the family.  This is the first family event that I brought Kyle to 5 years ago :)  Thankfully he passed the extended family test :)  

Well, hopefully I can get some sleep tonight!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Happy 1st Day of Spring!

Song of the Day: K'NAAN - Better

Okay, I've already seen a ton of these posts on facebook, but I just want to remind everyone once again (ya know, just in case you haven't been outside yet), that it's the 1st day of spring, and the high temp is 21, and it's only 11 with a real feel of -4 right now. LAME.  I want warm weather now!  I'm getting my hair done on Monday and plan on going lighter (but still in the brown family) just so I can feel like warmer weather is here! 

My spring break is next week!  Right now, I have two assignments to finish, and my field site on Friday, then I am mentally checked out for the next 9 days!  Can't wait :)  I have all these plans (much like my winter break plans) of working out every day, and getting a ton of stuff done, but I know that's probably not going to happen, haha :)  

Good news is I'm down 1.6 lbs this week!  I've finally gotten lower than my low at the end of February!  Haha, three weeks later and I'm finally back on track :)  I actually checked twice because I wasn't expecting to really lose anything this week.  And last night I had a ton of spinach ravioli (ah-maze-za-zing) so I thought for sure I wasn't going to see much progress, but there it was!  That makes me have a little more push and drive to actually want to work out and fully get back into it!  Also, our vacation is in 15 weeks!!!!!  I am so excited!!!  I also really want to wear a swimsuit without being super self conscious - lets be real, we're going to be in Aruba, so I'm going to wear a swimsuit no matter what, but it'd be nice to feel a little more positive about the way I look in it, lol.  Thankfully my mom found my (expired) passport at their house, so I'm getting it renewed next week!  I needed to do the name change for it anyway, but it's nice that she found it and I don't have to also say my old one was lost!  

I was really hoping that I could only take classes on Mondays and Wednesdays next semester, but it turns out that it would be (grad school) beneficial for me to take a class that is offered Tuesday/Thursday.  And at that point, if I'm already at 9 credits, I mine as well take another class and just be full time.  So now I'm trying to find something that will be interesting, and also look good on a grad school application.  I also really want to try to get more experience in schools, so I'll be looking for another internship... I guess it's better than being bored because I don't have enough to do!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

DST can suck it.

Song of the Day: That Gotye Song  ....hahaha, I love this.

Haha, okay .8 down.  Hardly anything to get excited for, but at least it's in the right direction!  

This weekend I ate a ton at the baby shower.  Bacon wrapped little wienies were amazing!  And there were these little corn muffins with cheesy hot dogs in them, so so good!  I did eat a ton of veggies, but I also had some of the amazing veggie dip with them... oh well :)  This may be a recurring theme in March because almost every weekend is filled with something!  But as long as I keep myself in check during the week I should be fine.

Caroline had a pretty bad cold Sunday-Tuesday, but thankfully seems better today.  Kyle got her downstairs and she kept handing him her shoes and saying "go go."  Then when she was dressed she started handing him Elliot's clothes, lol.  I think she was ready to get out of the house and back to playing :)  I'm just glad that I didn't catch whatever she had, but it was nice to cuddle with her for a few days!

Spring break is so close!  I'm not doing anything exciting, but I'm just ready for a break!  Really, all I want to do right now is sleep!  Daylight Saving Time has completely kicked my butt this year.  Seriously, lets just get rid of it.  I'm not sure exactly what that would do to where daylight falls during the year, but I"m not sure I care.  No matter what, there will be less light in winter and more in summer, and I don't care where it falls if it means I don't have to "adjust" twice a year.  It makes me cranky (obviously, lol).  I have been super late all week because I have been snoozing my 5:00 and 5:06 alarms without even waking up enough to realize it, and thinking that my 5:21 alarm is the first one!  Then, like this morning, I wake up at 6:19 and have to completely rush to just be not as late!  Ahhh!  And Kyle consciously snoozes his alarms, so he's not help, lol.  I don't have the luxury of being late the next two mornings, so I have to be sure to get extra sleep tonight!  I'm not exactly sure how that's going to happen since I have a ton of stuff to do for my Interviewing mid-term.... but I'll try.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Still in Recovery Mode

Okay, I read Malcolm Gladwell's 'Outliers' and just got depressed.  Well, let me rephrase.  I read about half of it, twice, and then got depressed.  Ten thousand hours is a really long time when you're still looking at logging hour 90.  ....for those who may not know, Malcolm Gladwell found that 10,000 hours of work/practice is the difference between mediocre and great/genius.  Macklemore, who obviously put in the time, was inspired to write an amazing song about it.  Not that I have one thing in mind that I want to be amazing at, but that almost makes it worse!  Hahaha, oh well, maybe I'll pick up the book again, and just keep plugging away at everything until I find that one thing I want to focus on.

So, this week included a gain.  I'm not shocked.  I think I'm still in recovery from this past weekend!  When I got home I was up 6 lbs, and this morning I was up 2 lbs.  Probably more accurate as I'm working on catching up on sleep and getting back to eating normally.  Either way, worth it, lol.  This also puts me at my pre-pregnancy weight, so I'm not upset about it!  Just because I'm working on a lifestyle change of eating better and taking care of my body, doesn't mean that I'll never have a weekend with friends ever again.  And really, I'm pretty proud of myself for the food choices I made this weekend!  When it came to dessert of Friday night I tried one bite of the two we got to share.  I also didn't eat as much of the chips and queso as I really really wanted to (but I still had plenty, haha)!  It was amazing, and I've been thinking about it ever since, lol.  I could say I was really healthy and ate a ton of grapes instead of cupcakes, but the grapes were soaked in burbon, so that may not count as being healthy lol :)  The real problem will be if I gain again next week!

Wow, I apparently am listening to my music really loudly.  I just took a break from writing to grab coffee and a yogurt and took my earbuds out (because I think it's rude to interact with people while still wearing them) and realized that the library is really quiet.  

This week is kind of slow for school, and I know that means I should be getting ahead in my reading, but instead I'm reading, specifically looking at Aruba!  I feel like we're finally a little closer to knowing what we're doing for our vacation!  YAY!!  

Alright, time to read about how culture influences our perceptions :) 


Monday, March 4, 2013

Quick update!

Song of the Day: Spice Girls - Wannabe

I had an awesome weekend!  I went to Chicago to surprise a friend for her birthday, and the weekend was everything I could have hoped!  We tried a ton of new stuff and places, and I met a lot of new people.  Even though I got less sleep than normal (or maybe the same amount, but going to bed way later than I normally do), and did more than I normally would in a weekend (and drank a lot more), I still feel so relaxed and re-energized!  I really needed a weekend away!  Besides the actual birthday party, my favorite part was going to Arts N Spirits and painting "funky trees" while drinking mimosas.  That's something I wouldn't normally do, and it ended up being a lot of fun!  Kyle was surprised at how well they turned out lol.

This next weekend we're heading to our friend's baby shower!  I can't wait!  All of the pregnant women I know are finally close to having their babies!  This week I'm just focusing on getting stuff done for school, and planning our vacation!