Song of the Day: Taylor Swift ft. The Civil Wars - Safe & Sound
Well, today was my first day alone with two kids under two. It was a long day to say the least. Elliot decided that he didn't want to take a nap, but I held out, and an hour later, he was finally sleeping. I'm still healing from my c-section so I can't really play with him like he's used too, so we watched "Cars" a couple of times (which Elliot was fine with since he's obsessed with the movie). Elliot is finally interested in Caroline. He was really timid for the first few days and only wanted to look at her from about three feet away. But now he's all about giving her hugs and kisses. He's also really into stealing her blanket. It looks exactly the same as his, but pink - and it's also a little softer because it hasn't had two years of being washed and dragged around the house :) It's nice that kids are resilient, and as one of the nurses told me, neither of them will ever remember a time when the other wasn't a part of their life.
Of course two kids under two means that I change twice as many diapers and there's lots of eating going on. I was planning on breast feeding, but without going into too much gross detail, I'm now pumping and bottle feeding Caroline breast milk. It's a little more work, but it feels better for me, and I know that Kyle was really missing that bonding time that he had when he got to feed Elliot. I know that I could go to the lactation consultant (and the one at GHC is amazing) but that just seems like extra work, when I know that pumping is going to end up being at least part of the solution.
In other news, we close on our house in one week! I can't believe it's finally here! I'm SO ready to move! I'm pretty sure the guy who lives above us has some weird ritual where he moves his furniture around depending on the position of the sun. Also, I think he does a lot of work out videos that involve jumping. And these activities don't happen at normal times, I'm talking about 3:00 AM, 9:00 AM, 2:00 PM... there's no schedule with this guy. It's constant. Also there's two older ladies who live down the hall and they walk their yippie dog every 40 minutes. And of course bring him right past our door, barking his head off. Which doesn't really make sense since there's an 'out' door right next to their apartment. Needless to say, I'm running out of patience with apartment dwelling, and can't wait to be done!
As far as weight loss/gain goes, I can't really diet yet since I'm breast feeding, but I have started to lose the pregnancy weight. On the day I went in I weighed 244 lbs, which is a good 20 lbs less than when I went in with Elliot. Today, one week postpartum, I'm 231.8 lbs. So, 12.2 lbs down since having Caroline, and I weigh less than I did last year when I started trying to lose weight. I'm ready for my incision to heal so I can start working out again.
Starting Weight: 244 lbs
Week 1 Postpartum: 231.8 lbs
Total Loss: 12.2 lbs